Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, New Blog.


Ok, I am lying. I was always told to have an attention getter at the beginning of your paper to get people interested… are you interested? Good. Let us continue.

One year ago…

Trey: You know what we should do. Lets have a blog and update it every day or week, writing about our lives so people can know what is going on with us.

Emily: Yeah! Lets do it! That would be awesome. Your such a great, charming, helpful, handsome…. etc. etc.… husband.


Trey: Have we updated that blog thing in awhile?

Emily: *snore*

Ok… to be fair, I am asking her this question at 11:00 PM. To those who know us… that is extremely late for us. Emily has been asleep for the past two hours and I am sitting here quite bored. Usually we are both in bed and sound asleep by 10:15. I must have had too much caffeine. Oh wait! I had Chicken Express Sweet Tea, its all that sugar keeping me up. Since I have nothing to do, I thought what the heck, ill dust off this old blog thing and give it a whirl.

So, it’s a new year! Exciting right? Meh. (I’m being so pessimistic tonight)

Our new years eve consisted of going to sleep at 9:00 and waking up every two hours with Annie gasping for air because she burrows under the comforters. She has yet to figure out that she suffocates herself when she is under the comforters for a prolonged amount of time. You would think this dog would learn….

So what is everyone’s new year resolution? Oh… what is mine you ask? Sure I can set some high lofty goal, that in reality, I will never accomplish. Like working out or updating this blog every week (both of these are clearly not producing results). So, I try not to make any resolution. If I did have one, it would be just to survive another semester in seminary. Surprisingly, I finished out the year strong with my papers… cant say the same thing about the tests :x.

Next semester I will be taking 12 hours instead of 9, which is three hours over full time. I wanted to give it a shot and if I do poorly, I can always blame it on the fact that the load was just too heavy for me. Is it sad that I am already planning my excuses before the semester even begins? Or is it worse that I am having this conversation with myself inside my head…

Emily began work this week and is struggling to get back into the swing of things. I think the two weeks of vacation has gotten her a bit off track. Plus it doesn’t help that while she is clocking in I am sitting at home in my PJ’s eating bonbons, and when she clocks out I am still sitting at home in my PJ’s eating bonbons. But next week… school… here I come!

Annie and Bentley are doing very well to all the dog fans out there. Bentley has actually been allowed to stay out of his crate during the day when we are not at home. He has given up the whole “I’m going to pee everywhere in this house…especially this comfy couch!” routine. Surprise to all those who have sat on our couch! He still has issues when people come over and he gets all excited, but we will work on that some other day (sorry Cody).

Well I am not sure how informative this post was, but it will have to do. The sugar is wearing off and I am getting sleepy. Happy New Year to all our friends and family! This may be the last post of the year so enjoy it while you can. I know everyone was hanging on the edge of his or her seat for my next posting.

On a more serious note: God is good. All the time. Before Emily went to sleep tonight, she said, “I like our little family.” It’s these moments right before bed when I have Emily at my right, Annie between us, and Bentley at the bottom of the bed chewing on the comforters, that I stop and think that I am very blessed to be in the situation I am in. Are there bad days? Sure, but that is what makes a family. A family does not have to be perfect; a family is about living life together and experiencing the highs and lows together. We are all family, whether we sleep in the same bed, house, city, state, or planet. I hope we all, one day, are able to come together, with all our differences and similarities, to softly say… “I like our little family” and rejoice in this diverse world that we are given.

Well family…. until next year,

Trey, Emily, Annie, and Bentley.