Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are We There Yet?

Today marks the second day of work for Emily. She got up around 5:45 and began to get ready. Usually with the old apartment we were in, it would mean that I would get up around that same time. I have found that with a larger house (one with more than one bedroom) I am able to sleep in while she gets ready. I have not yet decided if that is a good thing or not. I finally rolled out of bed at around 7:00 and was able to say goodbye before she left. Now it is 8:08 and I am sitting here thinking.... now what?

I believe I am beginning to get cabin fever. I have spent most of my time here in the house yesterday all by myself and it could be making me go crazy...or just more crazy. "Are we there yet?" is a quote that comes to my mind cause I am eagerly awaiting some routine. Some schedule that I can look forward to rather than this assortment of random activities throughout the day just to keep my mind busy. I may regret saying this three weeks from now, but I think I am ready for seminary to begin. Gasp!

To the three of you that will probably read this, I am sure that you are dying to know how our garden is doing outside. Well the garden is dying to tell you... literally. I do not know if its the heat or just my lack of skills in the garden, but they just do not seem like happy plants. Even the Knockout Rose which is supposed to be one of the easiest to grow is looking dreary. I hope once this 17 day streak of over 100 degree weather ends, the flowers will look more green than brown. I was told by one of the church members that I needed to be outside daily talking to my flowers. Maybe I will have to give that a shot.

Yesterday Emily's dad stopped by since he was in the area and we had dinner together. We enjoyed being able to talk with him since most of the time when we see him the kids are around and it is difficult to have any serious conversations when a 5 year old is thrown into the mix.

Today on my list of things to do is:
1) Read more of my book for orientation.
2) Go to home depot to get the RIGHT plug for our dryer. The last two have been the wrongs ones apparently.
3) Finish painting the Youth Office at New Hope.
4) Fix the dryer. (crosses fingers)
5) Clean.

I think I will be proud of myself if I can stir up the energy to do 2 or 3 of the items on my list. Not because I am tiered, but because I am lazy.

Well that is it for now. Hopefully a more interesting blog will come in the near future about all the exciting things happening at school and Emily's job.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

All settled in

Emily and I finally have internet again so we feel connected to the world. It has been a busy first week here in Fort Worth but an exciting one. We have a new home, new garden, new jobs, new church, and still a dog that goes pee in the house. I would say our house is about 85% done. We got 80% done the first day and since then it’s been a little slow.

We both are preparing for this upcoming year. I have been getting some last minute reading done before orientation for Brite. I have also begun the process of getting to know the youth at New Hope Fellowship. They are a great group of kids and I am excited for the month that is ahead of us. I graduate from Texas A&M on Friday August 13th and will begin orientation for Brite on August 19th and 20th with classes starting on the 23rd. I will be taking ‘Interpreting the Hebrew Bible’, ‘Introduction to Christian Theology 1’, and ‘History of Christianity 1, Early and Medieval’.

Emily will be starting work on the 16th and has registration the week before that. She has done a great job with all of the handy work around the house in that she put together the kitchen table, chairs, bedroom set, and dresser, which is something that I have trouble doing.

We have enjoyed the Fort Worth area so far but we are still trying to get used to the distance between stores and other locations where in Bryan everything was right down the street.

I promised Pat Boleman that I would put pictures up of the new home so here they are!

Our house! The grass needs a little watering.

Living room

Living room part 2

Living room part 3

Our awesome kitchen. it's a bit of an upgrade from the closet.

Kitchen table from target that Emily put together by herself. Two of the chairs are a little wobbly but Emily swears its Target's fault.

Garden Before. Notice Bentley helping.

Garden After. It's still a work in progress.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Great Way to Say Goodbye

This past weekend was the youth lock-in at the church. Trey and I are still trying to catch up on sleep.

The fun included s’ mores, pizza, lots of candy and junk food, movies, very loud screaming, blasting music in the fellowship hall (thanks to Natalie :) ) and a few hundred games of sardines. Youth Lock-in = success. I was the first to fall asleep at around 12. Lame, I know. Everyone else went to sleep between 3 am and 5 am. Trey at about 5:30 am. Then even more junk food in the form of donuts for breakfast at 8 am.

S' mores with Vicki, Adrian, Keenan, Taylor, and me

Lots and lots of junk food

Taylor said this was her favorite part of the night :)

Yes. We duct taped Taylor to the wall.

Adrian, Natalie, and Taylor after breakfast. Sleepy, sleepy.

Keenan went to sleep at 2:30 and woke up at 8:00 and he was just as awake as the night before. I think it was all that sugar.
Trey and I have been in the process of packing for a couple months now. Even though we only live in a one bedroom apartment, when you are lazy and you marry someone just as lazy as you are it takes a lot of motivation to get things done. But we’re almost finished! Trey’s family and the U-haul will be here on Saturday and then we are officially residents of Fort Worth, TX.
We both have jobs! I will be an Office Clerk at Richland Middle School in Birdville ISD and Trey will be the Youth Minister at New Hope Fellowship Christian Church. Everything fell together at the last minute. We both strongly feel that the Lord has placed us where He wants us and we can't wait to see how He uses us.
The only bad part about this whole moving situation is that we have to leave our family. The First Christian Church in Bryan has become our home. I cannot express in words how absolutely wonderful this church has been. Every person has been so caring and supportive and it’s hard to believe that there is another church community out there with more love than this one. They have become our life-long family and they will always be a part of our growth in life and our faith. First Christian Church of Bryan/College Station we love you and we will miss you dearly!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One year and 5 days...

... that's how long it's been since the last post. So much for updating our blog that nobody knows about.

Trey and I promise to try as hard as we can to remember to post on this thing on a regular basis for anyone who wants to know what's going on in our lives.

Big things are happening in our lives right now. It's been quite hectic for the past few weeks but we officially have a house in Fort Worth and are moving on July 31st. I haven't had the best of luck on the job front. I had one interview last week that I thought went really well, but then I received a "we've filled the position, but thank you anyway!" e-mail. I've gotten a couple of those. Trey on the other hand, is a hot commodity. He has had 3 potential offers. Nothing is final yet, but we should know for sure which church will offer him a Youth minister position by the end of this week.

We're both anxious and excited and we can't wait to begin a new chapter. We know that God will put us where He wants us and we have all of the faith in the world in His wonderful plan for us.

Mark 11:22-24